The Omicron XPS/UPS system with Argus detector uses Omicron’s DAR 400 dual Mg/Al X-ray source for XPS measurements and the HIS 13 He UV source for UPS measurements. Electron analysis can be done with Omicron’s 124 mm mean radius electrostatic hemisperical dispersive energy analyzer with the 128-channel micro-channelplate Argus detector with 0.8 eV resolution. The Argus technology also allows for high sensitivity and snapshot XPS, as well as imaging of up to a 6 mm x 6 mm area and line-scan analysis with typical lateral resolution down to 54 µm. The computer-controlled stage aids in angle-resolved XPS measurements. This system is also equipped with a CN10 charge neutralizer to reduce charging on samples such as polymers and anNGI3000 Argon ion sputter gun for surface cleaning.
XPS/UPS Instructions (updated 1/23/2019)
Data Analysis Quick Start Guide (updated 10/24/2016)
Useful online resources:
For training on this instrument, please contact Dr. Jing Wu.