The Anasys Instruments nanoIR2-sTM combines nanoscale chemical characterization AFM-IR (Atomic Force Microscopy–Infrared Spectroscopy) with optical property mapping s-SNOM (scattering Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy). AFM-IR provides the spatial resolution of AFM with chemical analysis capabilities of infrared spectroscopy (IR). An AFM probe is used to locally detect the thermal expansion of sample(s) resulting from absorption of infrared radiation at the resonant wavelength. IR spectra are then collected by measuring the cantilever oscillation amplitude as a function of IR wavelength, creating a unique chemical fingerprint with nanoscale spatial resolution. The s-SNOM technique uses a metallized AFM tip to enhance and scatter radiation from the tip in proximity to the sample. The scattered radiation carries information about the complex optical properties, including amplitude and phase imaging, of the sample under the metallized tip.
Key Features and Applications:
- Full features of AFM with 20-100 nm spatial resolution.
- Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) tunable laser for AFM-IR; wavenumber ˜900-3600cm-1. Spectral resolution of 4 cm-1.
- AFM-IR works best for soft materials with large thermal expansion i.e. polymers, organics, composites, and life sciences.
- CO2 laser for s-SNOM.
- s-SNOM works best on hard materials, especially those with high reflectivity and strong optical resonances such as graphene, 2D materials, inorganic and semiconductors.
For training on this instrument, please contact Dr. Wilson Serem.