The MCF has a Bruker Dimension Icon AFM for scanning probe microscopy. With an atomic force microscope (AFM), a sharp probe is scanned in a raster pattern across the sample surface to obtain information such as topography in three dimensions. Other information such as magnetic properties, chemical properties, or forces between the tip and the sample can also be measured using AFM. Since the AFM’s resolution is not limited by the diffraction of light, it can be used to achieve high resolution (Z <0.1 nm; XY <1 nm).
Dimension Icon AFM capabilities:
- Peak Force Tapping using ScanAsyst: Topographs and inphase images.
- Contact mode atomic force microscopy (CM-AFM): Topographs and lateral force frames.
- Force Imaging: Elastic properties of materials from force curves plots.
- Intermittent mode (tapping) atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM): Topographs and phase images.
- Imaging in a liquid environment: Imaging in liquid can be accomplished using ScanAsyst, tapping or contact mode AFM.
- Peak Force TUNA: Topographs, Current images, current-voltage (I-V) plots.
- Peak Force Quantitative NanoMechanics (PF-QNM): Modulus, adhesion, deformation and dissipation measurements.
- Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM): long range magnetic forces on the sample surface.
Icon AFM Instructions (updated 9/4/2012)
For more information, go to www.bruker.com
For training on this instrument, please contact Dr. Wilson Serem.