The Leica TCS SP5 microscope utilizes an inverted DMI 6000 microscope which is equipped with a motorized xy stage and epifluorescence illumination. Filter cubes for blue and green excitation (I3, N2.1) are available for visual inspection and focusing of samples. The conventional scanner has one transmitted light detector and three reflected/fluorescence detectors. The excitation laser lines available are 458, 476, 488, 514, 543 and 633 nm and the microscope is equipped with 10x, 40x and 63x dry objectives and a 63x oil immersion objective.
Confocal microscope instructions (updated 8/27/2010)
Key Features:
inverted DMI 6000 microscope with a motorized xy stage and epifluorescence illumination
1 transmitted light, 3 reflected/fluorescence PMTs
excitation laser lines: 458, 476, 488, 514, 543 and 633 nm
10x, 40x and 63x dry objectives, and 63x oil immersion objective
high resolution imaging 8k x 8k pixels
FRAP, FRET measurements
ROI scan
spectral un-mixing, deconvolution, colocalization
3-D visualization
To be trained on this instrument, please contact Dr. Yordanos Bisrat.