How to become an MCF user:
- Create an iLab account on the TAMU Core Facilities webpage.
- Carefully read the MCF Facility Manual.
- Go to the iLab MCF Core webpage. Click on the “Request Services” tab. Click the button to fill out the “MCF NEW USER CONTRACT.” This is your confirmation that you have read the MCF Manual and your agreement to abide by all MCF lab safety rules.
- You will be asked to upload documentation that you have completed a lab safety course through TAMU Environmental Health & Safety (either online or in a classroom). Upload either the course completion certificate or your TrainTraq transcript (from SSO) showing that you have completed a lab safety course.
- Next, on the “Request Services” tab of the MCF Core webpage, initiate a “Training Request.” You will be contacted by MCF staff once your request has been approved to schedule your training time. (You can submit this simultaneously with the New User Contract.)
- Make sure you are wearing lab appropriate clothing and bring the appropriate eye protection (as discussed with the MCF staff scientist) to your training session. Eye protection must be worn in all MCF labs.
- When you come for your first training session at the MCF, a staff scientist will give you the Work Area Specific Safety Training orientation for the MCF.
Helpful links for setting up your iLab account:
How do I accept or reject new lab members